This page displays the glossary of terms used in our published documents and inspection reports:
- 4P-approach
- 24-hour PACE clock
- 7(2)d risks
- 2013 Protocol and Good Practice Model
- Abuse of position for a sexual purpose
- Abuser
- Accelerated cause of concern
- Accelerated procedures
- Achieving best evidence (ABE)
- ACRO Criminal Records Office
- Active risk management (ARMS)
- Active risk management system (ARMS)
- Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)
- Agency and partner management information system (APMIS)
- Aggravated activism
- Alternative accommodation
- Annual data requirement (ADR)
- Anti-corruption unit (ACU)
- Antisocial behaviour
- Antisocial behaviour personal
- Appropriate adult (AA)
- Appropriate authority
- Area for improvement
- Armed policing strategic threat and risk assessment (APSTRA)
- Armed response vehicle (ARV)
- Article 31 (prohibition notices)
- Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC)
- Athena
- Attenuating energy projectile
- Auditable crime-recording route
- Authorised firearms officer (AFO)
- Authorised professional practice (APP)
- Bail
- Basic command unit (BCU)
- Basic deployment unit
- Benchmarking
- Best use of stop and search scheme (BUSS)
- Beyond 360° feedback
- Biker Down
- BikeSafe
- Blue Light Wellbeing Framework (BLWF)
- Body-worn video (BWV)
- Cadre tactical firearms commander
- Canteen culture
- Cause of concern
- Cautions
- Chief officer
- Child
- Child abduction warning notice (CAWN)
- Child Abuse Image Database (CAID)
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Child centred
- Child exploitation and online protection (CEOP)
- Child Rescue Coalition
- Child risk assessment model (CRAM)
- Child sex offender disclosure scheme
- Child sexual abuse image grading
- Child sexual exploitation
- Child sexual exploitation (CSE) risk assessment
- Childline
- Children and Social Work Act 2017
- Clear, Hold, Build
- Code of Ethics
- Code of practice (CoP)
- Code of Practice for Victims of Crime ('the Victims' Code') (VCOP)
- Collateral intrusion
- College Learn
- College of Policing
- COMAH sites
- Communications data
- Community impact assessment
- Community resolution
- Community risk management plan (CRMP)
- Community safety units (CSU)
- Competency and values framework
- Conduct matter
- Conducted energy device (CED)
- Confidence level and confidence intervals
- Contact offender
- Contextual safeguarding
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
- Control strategy
- Controlling or coercive behaviour
- CoP guidance
- Core Code of Ethics
- Corson and Stoughton (CS) spray
- County lines
- Courier fraud
- Covert and overt policing
- Covert authorities bureau (CAB)
- Covert human intelligence source
- Covert surveillance
- CPS rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO)
- Crime management unit
- Crime outcome type
- Crime Survey for England and Wales
- Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO)
- Criminal justice system
- Critical incidents
- Cuckooing
- Custody concordat
- Custody detention officer
- Custody officer
- Day crewing plus
- Death and serious injury
- Dedicated source unit
- Designated chief officer
- Designated officer
- Designated posts
- Detention certificate
- Digital case file system
- Digital forensics
- Dip sampling
- Diplomas in fire safety/engineering design
- Direct entry programme (College of Policing)
- Direct entry scheme (National Fire Chiefs Council)
- Directed surveillance
- Disclosure
- Disclosure officer
- Domestic abuse
- Domestic Abuse Protection Notice (DAPN)
- Domestic Abuse Protection Order (DAPO)
- Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment (DARA)
- Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Honour-Based Violence (DASH) risk identification, assessment and management model
- Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS)
- Domestic Violence Protection Notice (DVPN)
- Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO)
- Dry riser
- Dwelling fires
- Dynamic security
- Early adopter projects
- Early help and safeguarding hub (E-HASH)
- Early investigative advice
- Encrypted applications
- Equality impact assessment
- Ethics committee
- European Convention on Human Rights
- Every Child Matters
- Experian data
- Fall back
- Fast Track
- Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Fighting international internet paedophilia (FIIP)
- Final written warning
- Find rate
- Fire and rescue authority
- Fire and Rescue National Framework
- Fire control
- Fire engineered building
- Fire safety enforcement action
- Fire service emergency cover toolkit
- Fire survival guidance
- Fire transformation fund
- Firefighter fitness
- Flags
- Flagstone record
- Force control room
- Force crime registrar
- Force incident manager
- Force management statement
- Force vetting unit
- Forced marriage
- Framework agreement
- Front door
- Gateway function
- Genie
- Gold group
- Golden hour principle
- Government Agency Intelligence Network (GAIN)
- Grooming
- Gross misconduct
- Harassment
- Hard-to-reach communities
- Harmful sexual behaviour
- Hate crime
- Hazardous area response team (HART)
- Heritage site
- High-risk domestic abuse
- Home fire safety check
- Home Office classification N100
- Home Office crime outcomes data
- Home Office large major enquiry system (HOLMES)
- Honour-based abuse
- Hot debriefs
- House in multiple occupation (HMO)
- Incapacitant spray
- Incommunicado
- Indecent imagery of children (IIoC)
- Independent advisory group
- Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA)
- Independent domestic violence adviser (IDVA)
- Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
- Independent sexual violence adviser (ISVA)
- Independent statutory inspection
- Index of multiple deprivation
- Initial child protection conference (ICPC)
- Initial crime investigators development programme
- Initial tactical firearms commander
- Innovative practice
- Integrated offender management (IOM)
- Integrated risk management plan (IRMP)
- Integrity health check
- Intelligence
- Intelligence requirement
- Intermediary
- Intrusive surveillance
- IS91 – authority to detain
- Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP)
- Joint investigations
- Joint organisational learning
- Kent internet risk assessment tool (KIRAT)
- Key individual network
- Lead responsible officer (LRO)
- Liaison and diversion
- Lifetime offender management
- Ligature point
- Linked find rate
- Local authority designated officer (LADO)
- Local resilience forum (LRF)
- Looked after child (LAC)
- Managed learning environment
- Management of sexual offenders and violent offenders (MOSOVO)
- Management vetting
- MAPPA guidance
- Multi-agency referral form (MARF)
- Misconduct
- Misconduct hearing
- Misconduct meeting
- Missing person
- Missing persons and related linked indices (MERLIN)
- Missing, slavery, exploitation and trafficking (MSET) framework
- Mobile data terminal
- Mobilisation
- Modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT)
- Management of risk in law enforcement (MoRILE)
- Mosaic (Experian) data
- Multi-agency child exploitation (MACE) meeting
- Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA)
- Multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC)
- Multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH)
- Multi-agency sexual exploitation (MASE) meeting
- Multi-agency tasking and co-ordination (MATAC)
- Multi-agency response to serious and organised crime (MARSOC)
- Mutual aid
- Mutual assistance
- National Centre for Applied Learning Technologies (NCALT)
- National co-ordination and advisory framework (NCAF)
- National co-ordination centre
- National corruption-related intelligence collection categories
- National crime recording standard (NCRS)
- National decision model (NDM)
- National Domestic Extremism Unit
- National Fire Chiefs Council
- National force crime registrar accreditation course
- National intelligence model (NIM)
- National inter-agency liaison officer (NILO)
- National operational guidance
- National operational learning (NOL)
- National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC)
- National Police Co-ordination Centre
- National Police Counter-Corruption Advisory Group (NPCCAG)
- National Police Co-ordination Centre strategic intelligence and briefing team
- National post-event learning review form
- National referral mechanism (NRM)
- National resilience assets
- National Source Working Group
- National strategic assessment of serious and organised crime
- National Strategy for Police Information Systems (NSPIS)
- National Undercover Working Group
- NATO helmet
- Near misses
- Neighbourhood policing team
- North East Transformation, Innovation and Collaboration (NETIC)
- Network capabilities
- Niche
- Non-molestation Order
- Non-recent abuse
- Notification requirements
- Occupational health services
- OCG mapping
- Offender profiling
- On-call
- Operation Encompass
- Open Exeter
- Open source research
- Operation support room
- Operation Venetic
- Operational discretion
- Operational firearms commander
- Organisational justice
- Organisational learning
- Organised crime group (OCG)
- Oscar Kilo
- Out-of-court disposals
- Out-of-court resolutions
- Outcome 15
- Outcome 16
- PACE code C 2019
- PACE code C 2023
- PACE code G 2012
- Peer review
- Peer-to-peer networks
- People intelligence meetings
- Philomena protocol
- Place-based harm
- Police and crime commissioner (PCC)
- Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) codes of practice
- Police, fire and crime commissioner (PFCC)
- Police National Computer (PNC)
- Police National Database (PND)
- Police Now
- Police officer
- Police online investigation team (POLIT)
- Police personnel
- Police precept
- Police staff
- Police support unit
- Police transformation fund
- Police Uplift Programme
- Positive action
- Practice requiring improvement
- Prevention interview
- Primary authority scheme
- Primary fire
- Priority-based budgeting
- Priority individual
- Problem profiles
- Procedural justice
- Professional curiosity
- Professional standards department (PSD)
- Professionalising investigations programme (PIP)
- Promising practice
- Property interference
- Protected characteristics
- Protecting vulnerable people (PVP)
- Protester removal team
- Public health approach to violence
- Public order public safety
- Public order public safety dress code
- Public order public safety mobilisation
- Public order public safety training
- Public protection notice (PPN)
- Public protection unit
- Public sector equality duty
- Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO)
- Rape Crisis
- Reactive management
- Reality testing
- Recordable conduct matter
- Reflective practice review process
- Regional information and co-ordination centre
- Regional intelligence unit (RIU)
- Regional organised crime threat assessment (ROCTA) unit
- Regional organised crime unit capabilities
- Regional organised crime units (ROCUs)
- Regional prison intelligence unit (RPIU)
- Regional serious and organised crime (SOC) partners
- Regulation 17 notice
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
- Released under investigation (RUI)
- Resilience Direct
- Responsible authority
- Restorative justice
- Restraining order
- Return home interviews
- Right to review
- Risk assessment
- Risk modelling
- Safe and well visits
- Safeguarding
- Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSP)
- SafeLives
- Safety advisory group
- Safety flashes
- Scanning, analysis, response and assessment (SARA)
- Scheme of delegation
- section 11 duty of specified agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
- section 44 Emergency Protection Order (EPO)
- section 46 police protection
- section 47 child protection investigations
- section 140 Mental Health Act 1983
- Secure accommodation
- Senior identification manager
- Sensitive intelligence unit (SIU)
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) disruptions
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) local profiles
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) system tasking
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) vulnerability
- Serious case review (SCR)
- Serious Crime Prevention Order (SCPO)
- Serious and organised crime (SOC)
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) priority individual
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) investigation team
- Serious and organised crime (SOC) partners
- Serious Violence Duty
- Service recovery
- Severity assessment
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual assault referral centre (SARC)
- Sexual exploitation
- Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO)
- Sexual offences liaison officer
- Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO)
- Sexual Risk Order
- Signs of Safety®
- Single Online Home (SOH)
- Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Order (STPO) and Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order (STRO)
- Smarter systems inspection
- Special procedures
- Specialist child abuse investigation development programme (SCAIDP)
- Stalking
- Stalking Protection Order (SPO)
- Statutory safeguarding partners
- Stay interview
- Stop and search powers
- Strategic firearms commander
- Strategic Policing Requirement
- Strategic threat assessment
- Strategy discussions (meetings)
- Streamlined forensic reporting
- Street triage
- Sub judice
- Sudden and unexpected death in childhood
- Sudden and unexpected death in infancy
- Sudden and unexpected death in infancy and childhood
- Summary only offence
- Survivors
- Suspicious activity reports (SARs)
- System for tasking and operational resource management (STORM)
- Tactical communications
- Tactical fire plan
- Tactical firearms commander
- Tactics, Training and Equipment working group
- The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT)
- Thematic inspection
- Threat desk
- Threat, harm, risk, investigation, vulnerability and engagement (THRIVE) model
- Threshold criteria
- Trauma risk management (TRiM)
- Trident
- Trigger plan
- Unconscious bias
- Urban search and rescue (USAR)
- Urban street gangs
- Victim blaming
- Victims
- Violence reduction unit
- Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR)
- Voice of the child
- Volume crime
- Voluntary attendance
- Vulnerability training
- Vulnerable person
- Warning markers
- Watch
- Watch culture
- Whole life order
- Wholetime
- Working Together to Safeguard Children: Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
- Written warning
- Youth Justice Services (YJSs)
- Zero-based budgeting
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