
This section contains links to the source data that supports fire and rescue services information shown on this website. Please choose a dataset below.

The data available on this site is licensed for use under the Open Government Licence

HMICFRS is committed to making the data it collects easily accessible. If you have any queries regarding the content of this section, please email

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services data 2023 (Spreadsheet)

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services data 2022 (Spreadsheet)

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services data 2021 (Spreadsheet)

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services data 2019 (Spreadsheet)

Public perceptions of fire and rescue services data 2017/18 (Spreadsheet)

FRS assessments data 2018-19

National data

National high-risk audits frequency data (Spreadsheet)

Please note: this data has been anonymised and only includes the 32 services who were able to provide a complete set of data.

State of Fire and Rescue 2019 data (Spreadsheet)

Tranche one data sheet

Tranche one data 2018/19 (Spreadsheet)

Tranche two data sheets

Tranche two data 2018/19 (Spreadsheet)

Tranche three data sheets

Tranche three data 2018/19 (Spreadsheet)