Announcement of data release
2010/11 Value for Money Profiles
Release Date
11 May 2011
Crime and Justice
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
England and Wales
Geographic breakdown
Police forces
Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics
This publication presents a range of data, primarily from two sources: the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) of 2010/11 financial estimates, and Home Office crime statistics and Annual Data Requirements for 2009/10 as provided by police forces. The Value for Money profile for each police force is in three parts: an executive summary which includes a short commentary and key information, a further more detailed analysis of force performance, staffing, and costs compared with other similar forces, and thirdly the same detailed analysis but comparing with all forces in England and Wales.
The profiles provide comparative information on costs, funding, council tax rates, staffing levels, staff availability and sickness, staff turnover, arrests, charges, crime and anti-social behaviour incident rates, and detection rates.
They also have information on how satisfied victims are with the service they receive and how confident residents are with the police and other agencies in their area.