Announcement of data release
Value for Money Profiles
Release date
18 March 2010
Crime and Justice
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
England & Wales
Geographic breakdown
Police forces
Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics
This publication presents a range of data from sources such as the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), Home Office crime statistics and Annual Data Returns (provided by police forces).
The profile for each police force is in two parts: the first compares the force with all forces in England & Wales, and the second compares it with its peer group only (those forces with similar types of socio-demographics and geography).
The profiles provide comparative information on costs, funding, tax rates, staffing, crime rates, detection rates as well as information on how satisfied victims are with the service they receive. They also show how confident residents are with the police and other agencies in their area.
Police forces and Authorities received a draft version of these profiles in September 2009 and many of their comments were incorporated. These profiles are being published in accordance with Government principles to publish public services performance data online (Putting the Frontline First: Smarter Government December 2009).