Protecting people online

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Protecting people online, Victims and resolutions

HMICFRS inspects the child protection work of every police force in England and Wales.

Our Work  —  Behind the frontline, Protecting people online

Digital crimes are those which can be increased in scale by the use of computers, computer networks or other forms of ICT. Examples of digital crime include cyber-enabled fraud and data theft.

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Protecting people online

There can be no more important duty placed on society than to protect children from harm. The police service in England and Wales plays a vital role in keeping children safe and carrying out this duty. In 2012, we carried out fieldwork as part of an inspection into how police forces performed in their work

Our Work  —  Large-scale policing, Protecting people online, Victims and resolutions

Fraud is a unique type of crime. There is more of it than there is of other crimes, it is often complex and it has no respect for jurisdictional boundaries. Victims and offenders are often remote from one another, as are the agencies that tackle fraud. Unlike other crimes, there is a national process for

Our Work  —  Protecting people online

Please note: In July 2017 HMIC took on responsibility for fire & rescue service inspections and was renamed HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Inspections carried out before July 2017 may continue to refer to HMIC. Foreword The public has the right to demand swift action and good quality advice about

Our Work  —  Large-scale policing, Protecting people online

In July 2012 the Home Office published the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) (external link). The document sets out the threats that require a national policing capability to ensure they are tackled effectively. The threats are: terrorism civil emergencies organised crime threats to public order a large-scale cyber incident All forces and police and crime commissioners