Police Service of Northern Ireland – Human tissue audit
Part of: International and specialist agencies Specific reviews
In May 2012, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and National Policing Improvement Agency carried out a review of the retention of human tissue by police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This review made ten recommendations to improve processes and procedures for the retention of human tissue in criminal cases.
HMIC was commissioned by the Department of Justice Northern Ireland to carry out an independent assessment of the progress Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), the State Pathologist’s Department, the Coroners Service and the Office of the Police Ombudsman have made against these recommendations.
We found that the recommendations that affect the PSNI within the ACPO human tissue audit report have been largely achieved. That being said, as this report highlights there are still areas that need progressing to ensure a consistent and accurate approach to the ACPO recommendations across all the inspected organisations is taken.
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Inspection of Human Tissue Seizure, Retention and Disposal Processes in Northern Ireland
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Please note: In July 2017 HMIC took on responsibility for fire & rescue service inspections and was renamed HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Inspections carried out before July 2017 may continue to refer to HMIC.