Digital Crime and Performance Pack

Part of: Police ethics and accountability

HMICFRS has worked closely with key policing partners to collectively develop the Digital Crime and Performance Pack (DCPP).

The DCPP brings together already published data about police performance to improve transparency and accountability. The DCPP shows the performance of all 43 police forces in England and Wales against the priority measures outlined in the Government’s Beating Crime Plan, in easy-to-use tables and graphical formats. This initial launch covers homicide, serious violence and neighbourhood crime. The DCPP will be updated with the latest published data every quarter.

This page sets out:


We have published dashboards for the following crime types:


Detailed information about data sources and methodology are provided in the dashboard. Further information on the data in this dashboard can be found on the police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables.

Serious violence

Detailed information about data sources and methodology are provided in the dashboard. Further information on the data in this dashboard can be found on the police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables and the NHS Digital website.

Neighbourhood crime

Detailed information about data sources and methodology are provided in the dashboard. Further information on the data in this dashboard can be found in the police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables.

About this data

Before using the dashboards, please read the relevant data and methodology pages. This will help you to understand the data which underpins each report, and the key data caveats and limitations. Crime rates are calculated by dividing crime volumes by the population in the police force area. Crime rates and volumes should be considered alongside each other to aid understanding. For example, where volumes of crime are low, a small increase in volume would result in a large percentage change in crime rate.

When making comparisons using the public DCPP, it is important to remember that this is currently data for only three crime types, and there will be a variety of factors influencing rates.

Data tables

Any questions regarding the data or how to interpret results in the DCPP should be sent to

For general guidance on using PowerBI dashboards, see the using PowerBI dashboards page.