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In 2012, HMIC commissioned academic research to further understand the different types of people suffering anti-social behaviour (ASB). The report, by Dr Helen Innes and Professor Martin Innes of the Universities’ Police Science Institute at Cardiff University, provides information on how forces can identify the types of people suffering ASB in their area in a way

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Victims of disability hate crime are being let down by the criminal justice system, and progress to improve their experience of reporting offences has been too slow, an independent report has found. A joint inspection of the police, probation and Crown Prosecution Service has uncovered a lack of understanding of what classifies as a disability

Press release  — 

#005/2013 – A joint review of disability hate crime: living in a different world Victims of disability hate crime are being let down by the criminal justice system, and progress to improve their experience of reporting offences has been too slow, an independent report has found. A joint inspection of the police, probation and Crown

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HMIC expresses serious concerns over why so many victims felt unable to approach the police with allegations against Jimmy Savile during his lifetime HMIC’s review of allegations made against Jimmy Savile during his lifetime finds mistakes were made by the police; and while policies and practices designed to improve the experience of child victims are

News article  — 

HMIC expresses serious concerns over why so many victims felt unable to approach the police with allegations against Jimmy Savile during his lifetime. HMIC’s review of allegations made against Jimmy Savile during his lifetime finds mistakes were made by the police; and while policies and practices designed to improve the experience of child victims are

Press release  — 

#003/2013 Police custody in Merseyside – good strategic grip, but day-to-day management less convincing Police custody provision in Merseyside was generally good but more attention needs to be paid to treatment and conditions in the suites themselves, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of

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The third annual report of the UK’s National Preventive Mechanism is published today, giving an overview of the state of detention in prisons, police custody, court cells, customs custody facilities, children’s secure accommodation, immigration, military and mental health detention. Read the third annual report of the UK’s National Preventive Mechanism (PDF, 2.1MB, new window) (PDF

Press release  — 

#002/2013 – Children and young people who sexually offend: Missed opportunities to prevent reoffending Reoffending by children and young people who commit sexual offences can be prevented, but opportunities to intervene early were often missed by professionals, according to independent inspectors. Today they published the report of a joint inspection on children and young people

Press release  — 

#001/2013 Police custody in Gwent – generally positive Police custody provision in Gwent was reasonably good overall but primary health care needed some attention, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection. The inspection was part of a national programme of joint

Press release  — 

Police forces have made some progress in how they identify, manage and monitor integrity issues: but more remains to be done A report published today finds that the police service has responded to the recommendations in HMIC’s 2011 report, Without Fear or Favour: but more needs to be done, and with a greater sense of urgency.