HMIC asks public for views on new assessments of police forces in England and Wales

Respond to the consultation

Consultation on HMIC’s programme for regular force inspections

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has today launched a consultation in relation to its new approach to assessing police force performance in England and Wales.

This new programme of inspections, or PEEL (police efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy) assessments, will assess how well each of the 43 forces in England and Wales:

  • provides value for money (efficiency);
  • cuts crime (effectiveness); and
  • provides a service that fair and treats people properly (legitimacy).

Each force will be assessed against these three themes, and given one of four ratings for each theme:

  • outstanding;
  • good;
  • requires improvement; or
  • inadequate.
  • HMIC will publish the results of these assessments in a user-friendly format, making it easy for the public to tell at a glance how well their local force is performing and, over time, whether it is improving or deteriorating. This consultation gives the public the opportunity to have their say on the approach used to make these assessments, as well as the way they will be presented. The consultation period will run from today until Friday 29 August 2014 so everyone with an interest in policing – including the public and the service – will have an opportunity to have their say.

    HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Tom Winsor said:

    “Our new programme of all-force assessments is a major undertaking for the Inspectorate, and will have significant implications for the police and therefore the public.

    “This is not assessment for assessment’s sake – the new inspection programme will allow the public to see clearly the performance of their local force. These all-force inspections will make a material contribution to the way police service improves the service it provides to the public.

    “With this in mind, we are offering members of the public the chance to give us their views about how we conduct these assessments, and what they should look like.

    “I encourage everyone with an interest in the service their local police force offers their community to read and respond to the consultation. This input will be invaluable in how we highlight both good practice within policing, and the areas where forces are falling short.”

    Respond to the consultation

    Consultation on HMIC’s programme for regular force inspections


    1. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) independently assesses police forces and policing activity – ranging from neighbourhood teams though serious crime to the fight against terrorism – in the public interest.
    2. In November 2013, the Home Secretary asked HMIC to develop and implement a new programme of annual all-force inspections with a view to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of policing in England and Wales
    3. For further information, HMIC’s press office can be contacted during office hours from 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday on 0203 513 0600.
    4. HMIC’s out-of-hours press office line for urgent media enquiries is 07836 217 729.