
Press release  — 

Tom Winsor today used his first major speech as HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary to explain his approach to the job, and how HMIC may be expected to operate in the new policing landscape. The Chief Inspector, who spoke

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HMIC has received a commission from the Home Secretary to audit Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) data on incoming and outgoing European Arrest Warrants since 2009/10; to test SOCA’s assurance that there is no detrimental impact on public protection as a result of the error identified in data capture; and to provide assurance around SOCA’s

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The four Criminal Justice inspectorates – of Constabulary, the Crown Prosecution Service, Probation and Prisons – have today published their sixth business plan of joint inspections. Read the business plan

Press release  — 

#008/2013 – Inspectors set out plans for examining justice system from 2013-2015 The four Criminal Justice Inspectorates – of Constabulary, the Crown Prosecution Service, Probation and Prisons – have today published their sixth business plan of joint inspections where two or more of our inspectorates are involved. In 2012/13, the criminal justice system landscape developed

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HMIC has launched a consultation which welcomes views on its proposed inspection activity for the coming year and will be open until 07 May 2013. For more information, and to respond, please go to the consultation page on HMIC’s website

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Police custody provision in Haringey was sound, but there were a few inconsistencies, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection. Read ‘Haringey – Joint inspection of police custody suites’

Press release  — 

#007/2013 Police custody in Haringey – generally positive Police custody provision in Haringey was sound, but there were a few inconsistencies, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection. The inspection was part of a national programme of joint inspections of police

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HMIC has started the 2013 programme of value for money inspections, which is due to report in the summer. We will be visiting all 43 police forces. If you’d like to receive an update when the report is due to be published please email and ask to be added to the distribution list.

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Olivia Pinkney and Peter Spindler took up their roles on 02 April 2013 and will provide operational experience to HMIC inspection programmes. They will also be representing the HMIC senior team at stakeholder level. Read the press release

Press release  — 

HMIC today announces the appointments of Olivia Pinkney and Peter Spindler as Assistant Inspectors of Constabulary (AIC) Olivia Pinkney and Peter Spindler took up their roles on 02 April 2013 and will provide operational experience to HMIC inspection programmes. They will also be representing the HMIC senior team at stakeholder level. AIC Pinkney was an