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Police data on the number of rapes recorded by 43 police forces, and the outcomes, are published together for the first time today. These data sets will help people to understand the extent of rape offending in their area and look at how their force is responding to this serious crime.
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The needs of many people with learning disabilities are going unnoticed when they are arrested by police, go to court and are sentenced, according to independent inspectors. This report into people with learning disabilities within the criminal justice system states their needs should be recognised.
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Police custody in Devon and Cornwall was generally positive and detainees were commendably well cared for, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection.
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A revisit inspection by HMIC found that Northamptonshire Police has made significant progress in child protection arrangements by developing a joint approach with other agencies, using additional specialist resources, and providing training for specialist and frontline officers.
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A revisit inspection by HMIC found that Northamptonshire Police has made significant progress in child protection arrangements by developing a joint approach with other agencies, using additional specialist resources, and providing training for specialist and frontline officers.
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HMIC has launched a consultation which welcomes views on its proposed inspection activity for the coming year and will be open until 17 February 2014.
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The most recent crime and victim satisfaction data were published today on HMIC’s Crime and Policing Comparator. These data cover the 12 months to September 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Visit the comparator to explore this and other police-related data.
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HMIC has commissioned BMG Research, an independent market research company, to survey people who have experienced domestic abuse within the last 12 months to find out what they think of the way in which the police responded.
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In January 2014, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire commissioned HMIC to review how well Cheshire Constabulary investigates cases of burglary in a dwelling. Read more
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The four Criminal Justice Inspectorates have published a consultation which sets out the proposed joint inspection activity in the criminal justice system during the next two years. They invite comment from stakeholders and others to inform the finalisation of the programme.