
Press release  — 

HM Inspectorates of Constabulary and Prisons, the Care Quality Commission, and the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales call for changes to ensure fewer people with mental disorders are detained

News article  — 

Police custody provision in Essex had improved after recent moves to manage it centrally, but staffing levels needed to be addressed, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection. Read ‘Essex – Joint inspection of police custody suites’

Press release  — 

#015/2013 Police custody in Essex – generally positive, but some improvements could be made Police custody provision in Essex had improved after recent moves to manage it centrally, but staffing levels needed to be addressed, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced

News article  — 

In February 2013, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent commissioned an inspection from HMIC to determine whether the people of Kent can have confidence in Kent Police’s crime figures. Our review found that appreciably more needs to be done before they can be confident that the crime and resolution figures published by the force

Press release  — 

A review of crime recording in Kent by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has found that appreciably more needs to be done before the people of Kent can be confident that the crime and

News article  — 

At the request of the Chief Constable (and subsequently with the agreement of the Police and Crime Commissioner), HMIC examined whether risks to victims of domestic abuse are now being adequately managed in Essex. The inspection also aimed either to prove or to allay HMIC’s concerns that the significant resources Essex Police has invested in

Press release  — 

Essex Police has taken steps to improve the way domestic abuse cases are handled as a result of criticisms following four tragic domestic murders in Essex between

News article  — 

In early 2013, HMIC carried out an inspection of police force compliance with the ‘Memorandum of Understanding between the National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) and the Police Forces and Partner Law Enforcement Agencies of England and Wales’. NABIS is the national centre for forensic science, intelligence and knowledge which deals with the illegal use, supply

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Today, HMIC sets out its inspection programme and resources for the year ahead. Read the Business Plan

News article  — 

This report examines the extent to which Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is meeting its statutory disclosure obligations under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, as amended by the Criminal Justice Act 2003. Read the report