Change log
Crime and policing comparator updates
24 April 2014
Crime and victim satisfaction data updated to year ending December 2013
23 January 2014
Crime and victim satisfaction data updated to year ending September 2013
Note: In accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, statistics based on police-recorded crime data have been assessed against the Code of Practice for Official Statistics and are no longer designated as National Statistics. The full assessment report can be found on the UK Statistics Authority website.
14 November 2013
Cost and workforce data updated to year ending March 2014
17 October 2013
Crime and Victim satisfaction data updated to year ending June 2010/11/12/13. Most Similar Groups updated.
18 July 2013
Crime, Victim satisfaction, and Solved crimes data updated to year ending March 2010/11/12/13. Crime tree updated.
25 April 2013
Crime and Victim satisfaction data updated to year ending December 2010/11/12.
25 January 2013
Crime and Victim satisfaction data updated to year ending December 2010/11/12.
24 January 2013
Crime and Victim satisfaction data updated to year ending September 2010/11/12.
30 November 2012
Each chart is now accompanied by its underlying data. Click the ‘Show data’ button to view the data table.
18 October 2012
Charts that display data over time now show four years; data updated to years ending June 2009/10/11/12 (and 2013, where applicable).
15 October 2012
Ability to compare peer forces (most similar group) for some crime types. Choose ‘Peer forces (most similar group)’ from the ‘with’ menu in Recorded Crime and ASB.
19 July 2012
Recorded crime and ASB, and Quality of Service updated to years ending March 2010/11/12.
29 March 2012
Ability to directly compare the Welsh forces. Choose ‘All Welsh forces’ from the ‘compare’ menu.
01 February 2012
Crime data updated to year ending September 2009/10/11.