Crime and Policing Comparator
Please note: The Crime and Policing Comparator tool was discontinued in 2015. Data published before 2015 is still available, but it has not been updated since then.
The Crime and Policing Comparator allows you to compare data on recorded crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), quality of service, finances and workforce numbers for all police forces in England and Wales.
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) validates and publishes this data, which is submitted by police forces. Use the four interactive charts below to choose the forces and data you’re interested in and then generate your own graphs.
Need help? The How to use the Crime and Policing Comparator page gives more information on how to use the charts and some examples of the graphs that you could create.
See the About the data page for more information on all the data we’ve used. You can also download the raw data used to create the charts.
Want more detail? Our value for money profiles provide benchmarking information on what the police are spending their budgets on; staffing levels by grade and function; and outputs and outcomes in a comparable format.