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Police force:Suffolk
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News article  — 

Today, we have published our policing inspection programme and framework for the three years from April 2022.

Publication  —  Business Plans, Consultations, Corporate documents, Inspection programmes  — 

We recently consulted on our proposed programme for policing inspections for the 3 years from April 2022. The purpose of this consultation was to make sure we continue to focus our inspection work on what matters most to the public.

Publication  —  Business Plans, Inspection programmes  — 

This document is HMICFRS’s inspection programme and framework for policing commencing April 2022.

News article  — 

Today, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation published a joint report conducted with Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons. This report looked at whether prisons, police and probation, along with other agencies, had achieved delivering MAPPA.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection  — 

This joint inspection examined the work of prisons, police, and probation in delivering MAPPA.

News article  — 

There are ‘systemic deficiencies’ in the way some police forces in England and Wales deal with allegations of domestic abuse against their own officers and staff.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

HMICFRS, the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct have published a report in response to the super-complaint submitted by the Centre for Women’s Justice on police perpetrated domestic abuse

News article  — 

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services will carry out a thematic inspection of how the police respond to child sexual exploitation in England and Wales. 

Publication  —  Child protection, Terms of reference  — 

We will carry out a thematic inspection of how the police respond to child sexual exploitation in England and Wales. 

News article  — 

Today we published our revised Expectations for police custody, and the summary of responses to the consultation.