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Police force:South Wales
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Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

Today we published the responses to the report: Police perpetrated domestic abuse, a report on the Centre for Women’s Justice super-complaint

News article  — 

Today we published reports on the effectiveness of vetting arrangements in 12 police forces.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, PEEL  — 

In April 2022, we inspected South Wales Police to examine the effectiveness of the force’s vetting, IT monitoring and counter-corruption. 

News article  — 

Police vetting standards are not high enough and it is too easy for the wrong people to both join and stay in the police.   

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption  — 

Following the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer, the then Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS under section 54(2B) of the Police Act 1996 to assess current vetting and counter-corruption capacity and capability in policing across England and Wales.

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption  — 

HMICFRS carried out a thematic inspection of police vetting and counter corruption arrangements in England and Wales. This included improper and prejudicial behaviour and misconduct.

Publication  —  Force management statement  — 

A force management statement is a self-assessment that chief constables (and London equivalents) prepare and submit to HMICFRS each year. This is the template for police forces to use and guidance on how to complete it.

News article  — 

Today we published the terms of reference for HMICFRS’s inspection of how effectively the criminal justice system meets the needs of victims.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

HMICFRS is conducting an inspection of how effectively the criminal justice system meets the needs of victims.

News article  — 

The police response to burglary, robbery and theft is not consistently good enough – and victims face a postcode lottery when it comes to how thoroughly officers might investigate crimes.