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Publication type:Efficiency
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Services:Fire and rescue services
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Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

This is the third time that HMICFRS has inspected fire and rescue services across England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available. This includes: Devon and Somerset, Essex County, Gloucestershire, Humberside, Lancashire, London, Northampton, Norfolk, Nottingham, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Tyne and Wear, West Sussex and West Yorkshire.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

The inspection assesses how effectively and efficiently Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service prevents, protects the public against and responds to fires and other emergencies. We also assess how well it looks after the people who work for the service.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

This the first time that HMICFRS has inspected fire and rescue services across England. This report sets out a summary of our findings from inspecting 16 fire and rescue services in tranche 2.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

This inspection assesses how effectively and efficiently Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service prevents, protects the public against and responds to fires and other emergencies. We also assess how well it looks after the people who work for the service.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

Summary This is the first time that HMICFRS has inspected fire and rescue services across England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available. We have inspected 14 services in the first tranche of inspections. Each inspection assesses how effective and efficient the service