PEEL spotlight report: Diverging under pressure – Overview of themes from PEEL inspections 2018/19
Like previous PEEL spotlight reports, this report gives an overview of the themes from the 2018/19 PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. With the publication of the final 14 force reports from our third tranche of inspections, this report reflects on findings from all 43 force inspections to draw together national themes in policing.
PEEL is our annual assessment of police forces in England and Wales. We assess forces in three ways to find out:
- how effective they are at preventing and investigating crime, protecting vulnerable people and tackling serious organised crime;
- how efficiently they manage demand and plan for the future; and
- how legitimately they treat the public, how ethically they behave, and how they treat their workforce.
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Find out more about PEEL
Find out more about PEEL and see the individual forces’ grades and performance reports
Get the previous 2018/19 Spotlight reports
PEEL spotlight report: A system under pressure – Emerging themes from the first group of 2018/19 PEEL inspections – 2 May 2019
PEEL spotlight report: Shining a light on betrayal: Abuse of position for a sexual purpose – 27 September 2019
PEEL spotlight report: Emerging themes from the second group of 2018/19 PEEL inspections – 27 September 2019
Get the press releases
National press release: Noticeable differences between police forces and the service they provide
PEEL: Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2018/19 – group 3 force press releases
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Gwent PCC’s response (PDF document)
Merseyside PCC’s response (PDF document)
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