Valuing the Police data
This section contains the underlying data for the Valuing the Police inspection programme.
- Valuing the police data (Microsoft Excel) (Spreadsheet)
- Valuing the police data (Open document spreadsheet) (Spreadsheet)
- Valuing the police survey data (Microsoft Excel) (Spreadsheet)
- Valuing the police survey data (Open document spreadsheet) (Spreadsheet)
- National survey (PDF document)
- Valuing the Police data (Spreadsheet)
- Valuing the Police 2013, all force comparison survey (Spreadsheet)
- Average percentage of police officers and PCSOs visible and available to the public 2010 and 2012 (Spreadsheet)
- Policing in austerity: One year on data (ZIP archive containing two CSVs and accompanying notes) (Archive)
- Increasing efficiency in the police service (ZIP archive containing three CSVs and accompanying notes) (Archive)
- Results of public focus groups (PDF document)
- Results of public omnibus survey (PDF document)
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