Police forces' progress against recommendations

HMICFRS routinely monitors progress against the recommendations that we make to police forces in our inspection reports. The table below shows progress police forces have made against recommendations made to them in the 2018/19 Integrated PEEL Assessments, PEEL Assessments 2021/22 and PEEL assessments 2023-25.

Recommendations shown as:

  • open are those which have been given to the force and are not yet complete and have not been superseded;
  • self-certified complete: to be verified by HMICFRS are those where the force has told HMICFRS that it has completed work to address the recommendation.  HMICFRS will verify this at the next relevant inspection;
  • completed and verified are those where HMICFRS is satisfied that the force has taken the actions to complete the recommendation;
  • superseded are those which have been repeated or updated following a more recent inspection.

Recommendations are not orders. It is for others – principally chief constables and local policing bodies – to act on them.

This page is updated each year in March and September and was last fully updated on 12 September 2024 using data extracted on 2 September 2024.

The change log sets out the updates and changes made to this table over time.