More about this area
The force says...
Lincolnshire is one of the largest geographic areas in the UK covering 2,284 square miles with a population of 751,200. Lincolnshire Police has 1,097 officers, 118 PCSOs and 334 police staff (March 2019).
The pattern of deprivation is in line with national trends, in that urban and coastal areas show higher levels of deprivation than other areas.
In 2018/19, Lincolnshire Police recorded 147,035 calls for service. 16,764 calls for service in 2018/19 related to incidents of anti-social behaviour this relates to 11 percent of all the calls for service. Recorded crime levels within Lincolnshire have risen annually since 2014/15 in line with national trends. The total recorded crime levels for 2018/19 is 52,846 this is a 30 percent increase compared to 2017/18. Lincolnshire remains one of the safest counties in the country.
The force has a strategic partnership with a private services provider, outsourcing business areas and delivering significant savings.
The force collaborates regionally to combat major, serious and organised crime, to provide criminal justice services and specialised policing functions, including armed and roads policing. Locally, it is in partnership and collaborates with Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue and East Midlands Ambulance Service, utilising opportunities for colocation and closer working practices.
Demands on the force have changed in the recent years, and the force has moved additional resources into high risk areas such as cyber-enabled crime, child sexual exploitation and modern day slavery. We have greater capacity to investigate through our online investigative teams and our enhanced capability to scrutinise crime scenes for digital traces.
Lincolnshire Police’s biggest challenge is funding as there is an underfunding gap of £6.7m in 2020/21 to address. The force will continue to work hard to secure the long-term settlement that is needed to continue to deliver the high level of service expected by the communities of Lincolnshire.
Disclaimer: the above statement has been prepared by Lincolnshire Police. The views and information in it are not necessarily those of HMICFRS.