This is an overview of the grades forces in England and Wales received for PEEL 2018/19. There are three key themes or pillars, and ten questions.
An accessible grades table is also available
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PEEL is an annual assessment of police forces in England and Wales. Forces are assessed on their effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy. They are judged as outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate on these categories (or pillars) based on inspection findings, analysis and Her Majesty’s Inspectors’ (HMIs) professional judgment across the year.
Each pillar has questions that focus on core areas of the work of the police. Judgments are also applied to these questions.
Before 2018, every force received a separate report for each pillar. Reports were published by pillar, building up to an overall view of the force’s performance at the end of the PEEL cycle.
From 2018/19 inspection year, the approach was changed to become more integrated. Each force now receives one report, providing a rounded assessment of its performance over the year. These reports are published in batches of 14 or 15 at a time.
This is an overview of the grades forces in England and Wales received for PEEL 2018/19. There are three key themes or pillars, and ten questions.
An accessible grades table is also available