Inspection of the London Fire Brigade response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

On 4 August 2020, the Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS to review the governance and progress of London Fire Brigade’s action plan to implement the recommendations from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry report.

This early review would indicate whether London’s significant transformation programme is starting to have a positive effect and the brigade has made sufficient progress on delivering against the recommendations.

Inspection of the London Fire Brigade’s progress to implement the recommendations from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s Phase 1 report

We reported the findings from our review to the Home Secretary in January 2021.

The report shows that, at the time of publication in February 2021, we were encouraged by the progress the brigade had started to make. Clearly, there had been a sustained focus and effort on understanding the lessons from the fire and acting where the inquiry recommended it should.

It was impossible to judge progress the service had made without recognising the impact of COVID-19. We were impressed by the brigade’s preparedness for, and response to, the pandemic. However, the brigade did tell us that COVID-19 had affected its ability to make some of the planned improvements. At the time of publication, there was still a huge amount of work for the brigade to do.

Get the report

Inspection of the London Fire Brigade’s progress to implement the recommendations from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s Phase 1 report (PDF document)

Read the terms of reference

Terms of reference: inspection of the London Fire Brigade response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry