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Found 9 results

News article  — 

A programme originally set up to tackle persistent offenders has “lost its way” and better leadership is needed to get it back on track, according to inspectors.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection, Offender management  — 

This inspection aimed to examine how Integrated Offender Management has been operating since the implementation of the government’s ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ programme and in a climate of reduced police numbers.

News article  — 

In a report published today, HMICFRS is calling for police and partner agencies to improve how they work together to protect children.

Publication  —  Child protection, Thematic inspection, Vulnerability  — 

In early 2014, we began a national programme of child protection inspections. We examine the effectiveness of the decisions made by the police at each stage of their interactions with or for children, from initial contact through to the investigation of offences against them. We also scrutinise the treatment of children in custody, and assess how forces are structured, led and governed, in relation to their child protection services.

Publication  —  Child protection, Research  — 

In 2014, HMICFRS started a rolling programme of inspections in every police force in England and Wales, looking at their response to child protection. To better understand the impact of these inspections on policing activity, we commissioned NatCen to carry out independent evaluation of the programme.

News article  — 

The public receives inconsistent service from their local police forces, HMICFRS has said in a report published today.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

Like previous PEEL spotlight reports, this report gives an overview of the themes from the 2018/19 PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. With the publication of the final 14 force reports from our third tranche of inspections, this report reflects on findings from all 43 force inspections to draw together national themes in policing.

News article  — 

Children sexually abused by family members are going unseen and unheard in too many cases, while abusers evade justice, according to a new report.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

This report draws together findings from six joint targeted area inspections, focusing on the multi-agency response to child sexual abuse in the family environment.