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Fire and Rescue Service:Gloucestershire
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News article  — 

The culture in fire and rescue services is showing some early signs of improvement, but too much unacceptable behaviour remains.

Publication  —  Fire & rescue services, Research and evaluation, Thematic inspection  — 

Between October 2023 and January 2024 we carried out an inspection of the handing of misconduct in fire and rescue services (FRSs) in England. 

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

This is our third assessment of Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service.

News article  — 

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) needs to do more to improve how it keeps people safe from fire and other risks, and how it promotes the right values, culture and diversity within its workforce.

News article  — 

Today we published the terms of reference for a thematic inspection of the handling of misconduct in fire and rescue services.

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Fire & rescue services, Integrity and corruption, Professional standards, Terms of reference, Thematic inspection  — 

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services will carry out an inspection of the handling of misconduct in fire and rescue services in England.

News article  — 

HMICFRS has today published the third set of reports from our latest inspection of all fire and rescue services in England.

News article  — 

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service has improved the way it looks after its people, but there is more to be done.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Fire & rescue services, People  — 

This is the third time that HMICFRS has inspected fire and rescue services across England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available.

Publication  —  Cause of concern, Fire & rescue services, Letter, People  — 

Between September and November 2021, we inspected Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and identified two causes of concern. This letter gives an update on our findings.