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Police force:Wiltshire
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Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? This profile sets out the value for money information for Wiltshire Police for 2016.

News article  — 

HMIC has published the latest value for money profiles which provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities.

Publication  —  Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL efficiency 2015, this inspection looked at how well forces understand the demand for their service and how well they match their resources to that demand and provides an assessment of their efficiency.

News article  — 

The majority of police forces in England and Wales continue to do a good job in identifying current demand and managing their resources.

Publication  —  Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in HMIC’s previous assessment of police efficiency, this inspection examined how well each force in England and Wales understands the demand for its service and how well it match its resources to that demand; and provides an assessment of its efficiency. This report sets out the findings for Wiltshire Police.

News article  — 

The Rape Monitoring Group has today published 42 local area digests showing how cases of rape are dealt with at all stages of the criminal justice process.

Publication  —  Data, Rape Monitoring Group  — 

On behalf of the national Rape Monitoring Group, HMIC has published 42 local area digests to provide a data set to enable more thorough analysis of how rape is dealt with in a particular area of England and Wales.

Publication  —  Data, Rape Monitoring Group  — 

On behalf of the national Rape Monitoring Group, HMIC publishes local area digests to provide a data set to enable more thorough analysis of how rape is dealt with in a particular area of England and Wales. This digest sets out the data for Wiltshire Police.

News article  — 

A new report finds that child sexual exploitation can be tackled best when all partners take responsibility for their roles, while also working collaboratively, with strategic goals clearly identified, understood and agreed across agencies.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

This report sets out an overview of the five joint inspections of child sexual exploitation and missing children were published from February to August 2016.