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Police force:Wiltshire
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Found 4 publications

Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

Between 31 October and 4 November 2016, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HMI Constabulary and HMI Probation undertook a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to abuse and neglect in Wiltshire. This inspection included a ‘deep dive’ focus on the response to children living with domestic abuse.

Leadership, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL 2015, this inspection examined how well forces understand, develop and display leadership; and provides an assessment of how well led they are.

Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2015, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces.

Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2015, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces. This report sets out the findings for Wiltshire Police.