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Found 15 publications « First12

Strategic Policing Requirement  — 

This is one of three reports about how forces comply with the Strategic Policing Requirement (published by the Home Office in July 2012), being published by HMIC this year. It examines how well the police service has met the requirements of the Strategic Policing Requirement in relation to the threat to public order.

Strategic Policing Requirement  — 

This is one of three reports about how forces comply with the Strategic Policing Requirement (published by the Home Office in July 2012), being published by HMIC this year. It examines how well the police service has met the requirements of the Strategic Policing Requirement in relation to the threat of a large-scale cyber incident (including criminal attack).

Annual reports  — 

The Police Act 1996 requires Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary to report each year on his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales. The assessment covers the full breadth of policing work inspected by HMIC throughout 2012/13, and an overview of police forces in England and Wales.

Domestic abuse  — 

In September 2013, HMIC was commissioned by the Home Secretary to inspect the police response to domestic violence and abuse. This report found that, while most forces and police and crime commissioners said domestic abuse is a priority, this isn’t being translated into an operational reality.

Data, Rape Monitoring Group  — 

On behalf of the Rape Monitoring Group, HMIC has published 43 force reports showing police data on how many rapes were recorded by the police in each force, and the outcomes.