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Publication  —  Value for money  — 

Summary The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? It is important to note that the

Press release  — 

#031/2013 – Focus must be maintained to preserve ‘ahead of its time’ East Midlands force collaboration The collaboration arrangement between police forces in the East Midlands has generated savings, and been effective in helping the forces tackle serious and organised crime, a review by HMIC finds. The review was conducted following a commission from the

Publication  — 

Summary In July 2013, the Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) for the East Midlands region commissioned Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) to conduct a review of the arrangements for collaboration between the five forces in the region. The purpose of the commission was: “to provide [the PCCs] with high-level assurance on the overall approach

Publication  —  Speech  — 

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector’s key note speech to the Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales Conference 2013.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

Summary This report is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMIC and HMI Prisons. The inspections look at strategy, treatment and conditions, individual rights and health care. They also make a key contribution to the United Kingdom’s response to its international obligation to ensure regular and independent inspection of

Publication  —  Value for money inspection  — 

Summary In October 2010, the Government announced that central funding to the Police Service in England and Wales would reduce by 20% in the four years between March 2011 and March 2015. HMIC’s Valuing the Police Programme has tracked how forces are planning to make savings to meet this budget demand each year since summer

Publication  —  Value for money inspection  — 

Summary In the October 2010 spending review, the Government announced that central funding to the police service in England and Wales would be reduced in real terms by 20% in the four years between March 2011 and March 2015. HMIC’s Valuing the Police Programme has tracked how forces have planned to make savings to meet

Publication  —  Speech  — 

In a lecture given on 11 July 2013, in the Draper’s Hall, City of London, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector discussed the importance of chief constable operational independence; the heavy responsibilities of Police and Crime Commissioners; and the proper and lawful use of section 38 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act.

Publication  —  Stop and search  — 

Summary The summer riots of 2011 once again focused attention on the way police use stop and search powers. As a result of this renewed concern, in December 2011 the Home Secretary commissioned HMIC to carry out an inspection into the use of stop and search legislation by police forces in England and Wales. In

Publication  —  Speech  — 

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector’s speech to the Police Federation Conference 2013.