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News article  — 

New inspections into hate crime, county lines and older people in the justice system, are central to the programme and framework of policing inspections published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.

Publication  —  Business Plans, Inspection programmes  — 

This document sets out HMICFRS’s police inspection programme and resources for the year ahead, 2018/19.

News article  — 

The neglect of older children sometimes goes ‘unseen’, and needs greater understanding and a more co-ordinated approach from local agencies, according to a new report published today.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

This report is about the third joint targeted area inspection programme, which began in May 2017 and examined ‘the multi-agency response to older children who are living with neglect’. This report considers the most significant learning from six inspections of local authority areas with a focus on the neglect of older children.

Publication  —  Correspondence, Force management statement  — 

On 28 June 2018, Sir Thomas Winsor, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, wrote to all chief constables acknowledging receipt of their force management statements, and outlining the next steps.

News article  — 

Dedication and a sense of duty by hard-working officers is masking a failure by senior leaders to adequately assess current and future demand, according to Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Sir Thomas Winsor, in his annual State of Policing report published today.

Publication  —  Annual reports  — 

The Police Act 1996 requires Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary to report each year on his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales. The assessment covers the full breadth of policing work inspected by HMICFRS, and an overview of police forces in England and Wales. As required by that section, it contains his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales in respect of the inspection year 2017.

News article  — 

On behalf of the national Rape Monitoring Group (RMG), HMICFRS has published a new interactive dashboard to enable a more thorough analysis of how rape is dealt with locally at each stage of the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

News article  — 

Today, Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary published their 2017 PEEL assessments. PEEL is HMICFRS’s annual assessment of police forces in England and Wales. Forces are assessed throughout the year on their effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy. At the end of the year, all inspection findings, graded judgments and analysis, along with Her Majesty’s Inspectors’ professional judgments, are brought together to produce a rounded assessment of each force’s performance.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, PEEL  — 

As part of our annual inspections of police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy, HMICFRS assessed how effective the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime.