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Police force:Gloucestershire
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News article  — 

Responses to the recommendations from the super-complaint report: ‘The police response to stalking’.

Publication  —  Stalking, Super-complaint  — 

Responses to the super-complaint report about the police response to stalking.

News article  — 

Following a review of the police’s response to disorder, police forces must be better prepared to plan for and tackle serious violence and disorder.

Publication  —  Disorder, Thematic inspection  — 

In July and August 2024, widespread unrest and violent disorder broke out in many towns and cities across the UK. On 6 September 2024, the Home Secretary commissioned us to carry out a rapid review into the policing response to the disorder.

Publication  —  Cause of concern, Letter, Revisit  — 

In our 2023‑25 police efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy inspection of Gloucestershire Constabulary, we raised a cause of concern regarding the time it takes to answer emergency and non-emergency calls. We have closed this cause of concern.

News article  — 

Gloucestershire Constabulary has made improvements against a cause of concern relating to the time it takes to answer emergency and non-emergency calls.

News article  — 

The Criminal Justice Joint Inspection has launched a consultation which welcomes views on our proposed programme of inspections of the Criminal Justice System for 2025–27.

News article  — 

Police forces must do more to tackle antisocial behaviour and understand its prevalence in their local communities.

Publication  —  Anti-social behaviour, PEEL, Spotlight  — 

This report focuses on the police response to antisocial behaviour. It also highlights examples of positive practice and joint working between the police and other organisations to address antisocial behaviour.

Publication  —  Consultations  — 

This consultation document sets out our intended inspection programme for policing between April 2025 and March 2029.