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Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Modern slavery, Super-complaint, Vulnerability  — 

On 18 December 2018, Liberty and Southall Black Sisters made a super-complaint to HMICFRS.

This super-complaint concerns migrant victims in vulnerable circumstances. They usually arise from crimes of domestic abuse or modern slavery and human trafficking.

News article  — 

A joint investigation by HMICFRS, the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct found that victims of crime with insecure or uncertain immigration status are fearful that, if they report crimes to the police, their information will be shared with the Home Office.

Publication  —  Released under investigation, Research, Thematic inspection  — 

In 2019, HMICFRS commissioned BritainThinks to conduct qualitative research to explore victim and suspect experiences of changes implemented as a result of the Policing and Crime Act 2017

Publication  —  Released under investigation, Thematic inspection  — 

Between October 2019 and February 2020, HMICFRS and Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service inspected the police and CPS’s responses to pre-charge bail changes and the use of ‘released under investigation’.

News article  — 

Changes to bail legislation in 2017 led to potentially increased risk to victims and uncertainty for suspects, a joint inspection by HMICFRS and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate has found.

News article  — 

In March 2020 we suspended all inspection work requiring appreciable contributions from police forces and fire and rescue services, to enable them to focus on the COVID-19 response. We resumed inspections in September.

Publication  —  Protest, Terms of reference  — 

In October 2020, the Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS to inspect how effectively the police manage protests.

Publication  —  Crime recording  — 

During our Avon and Somerset Constabulary Crime Data Integrity inspection, in July 2016, we identified crime recording arrangements required improvement. We revisited Avon and Somerset in January 2020 to assess the progress made since that report.

News article  — 

Collaboration between police forces when done well can save money, reduce bureaucracy and improve efficiency and effectiveness. However, too many police collaborations are failing, or not giving the results they should. This is costing forces money, time and effort, we said in a report published today.

Publication  —  Collaboration, PEEL, Spotlight  — 

Many police forces across England and Wales collaborate with neighbouring forces to share resources and core functions. This report sets out our findings on how forces collaborate in order to provide better, more efficient services to the public.