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Police force:Avon and Somerset
Remove Police force: Avon and Somerset

Found 6 results

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Effectiveness, Female genital mutilation, Force management statement, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Joint inspection, Rape  — 

This is the second and final part of HMICFRS and HMCPSI’s joint inspection of the investigation and prosecution of rape in England and Wales.

News article  — 

The criminal justice system (CJS) is failing victims of rape, and widespread reform is needed to build trust and secure justice, a new report has found.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Modern slavery, Super-complaint, Vulnerability  — 

Today the responses from bodies subject to recommendations and actions made in Safe to Share? Report on Liberty and Southall Black Sisters’ super-complaint on policing and immigration status’ have been published on GOV.UK.

News article  — 

Today we published the responses to the recommendations from the Safe to Share? Report on Liberty and Southall Black Sisters’ super-complaint on policing and immigration status’.

Publication  —  Consultations  — 

This document provides details of our proposed programme of policing inspections commencing April 2022. It asks for your views on whether we cover the right themes and areas of policing.

News article  — 

HMICFRS has launched a consultation which welcomes views on our proposed policing inspection programme for the next three years. The consultation is open until Thursday 10 March 2022.