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Publication type:Super-complaint
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Found 4 publications

Super-complaint  — 

HMICFRS, the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct have published a report in response to the super-complaint  from the Criminal Justice Alliance Section. This super-complaint is about the police’s use of section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, and the scrutiny of all stop and search powers.

Coercive and controlling behaviour, Ethics and accountability, Honour-based violence, Super-complaint  — 

A report on the Tees Valley Inclusion Project super-complaint, about the police response to victims of sexual abuse from ethnic minority backgrounds who may be at risk of honour-based abuse

Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

Today the second responses from the National Police Chiefs’ Council to the Police perpetrated domestic abuse super complaint have been published on GOV.UK.

Super-complaint  — 

HMICFRS, the IOPC and the College of Policing have assessed the super-complaint as being eligible to be investigated.