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Remove Year: 2021
Publication type:Rape
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Police force:Leicestershire
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Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Female genital mutilation, Forced marriage, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Rape, VAWG  — 

This report sets out findings from our inspection of how effectively the police respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG) offences.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Effectiveness, Female genital mutilation, Force management statement, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Joint inspection, Rape  — 

This is the first of two inspection reports that will consider the response, decision-making and effectiveness of the police and Crown Prosecution Service at every stage of a rape case – from first report through to finalisation of the case.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Female genital mutilation, Forced marriage, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Rape, VAWG  — 

In March 2021, the Home Secretary commissioned Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) to inspect the effectiveness of police engagement with women and girls. Our final report will be published in September 2021.