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Publication type:Legitimacy
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Police force:West Mercia
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Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2015, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces.

Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2015, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces. This report sets out the findings for West Mercia Police.

Legitimacy, Revisit, Stop and search  — 

This letter sets out West Mercia Police’s compliance with the Best Use of Stop and Search scheme, following a revisit inspection of the 13 forces found not to be compliant with three or more elements of the scheme in 2015.

Legitimacy, Revisit, Stop and search  — 

Summary In 2014, the Home Office and College of Policing launched the Best Use of Stop and Search (BUSS) scheme (PDF document). The scheme aims to achieve greater transparency and community involvement in the use of stop and search powers, and to support a more intelligence-led approach, leading to better outcomes. The scheme sets out

Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As part of its annual inspections into police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMIC’s legitimacy programme assessed how legitimate is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime. The inspection focused on whether a force was consistently behaving in a way that is fair, reasonable, effective and lawful, and if it has the consent of the public. HMIC assessed legitimacy at a force level, as well as drawing out overarching themes on a national level which are set out in the national overview.

Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As part of its annual inspections into police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMIC’s legitimacy programme assessed how legitimate the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime. The inspection focused on whether a force was consistently behaving in a way that is fair, reasonable, effective and lawful, and if it has the consent of the public.