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Found 5 publications

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy.

This report sets out the findings for Northamptonshire Police.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy.

This report sets out the findings for West Yorkshire Police.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy.

This report sets out the findings for West Midlands Police.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy.

This report sets out the findings for Durham Constabulary.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy.

This report sets out the findings for Gloucestershire Constabulary.