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Publication type:Ethics and accountability
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Police force:North Wales
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Found 10 results

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Ethics and accountability, Honour-based violence, Super-complaint  — 

An updated response from the National Police Chiefs’ Council to recommendations and actions made in this report has been published on GOV.UK.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, PEEL  — 

In September 2022, we inspected North Wales Police to examine the effectiveness of the force’s vetting arrangements.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, PEEL  — 

Ym mis Medi 2022, fe wnaethom arolygu Heddlu Gogledd Cymru i archwilio effeithiolrwydd trefniadau fetio’r lu.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Ethics and accountability, Honour-based violence, Super-complaint  — 

A report on the Tees Valley Inclusion Project super-complaint, about the police response to victims of sexual abuse from ethnic minority backgrounds who may be at risk of honour-based abuse

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

Today the second responses from the National Police Chiefs’ Council to the Police perpetrated domestic abuse super complaint have been published on GOV.UK.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

Today we published the responses to the report: Police perpetrated domestic abuse, a report on the Centre for Women’s Justice super-complaint

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption  — 

Following the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer, the then Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS under section 54(2B) of the Police Act 1996 to assess current vetting and counter-corruption capacity and capability in policing across England and Wales.

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption  — 

HMICFRS carried out a thematic inspection of police vetting and counter corruption arrangements in England and Wales. This included improper and prejudicial behaviour and misconduct.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Ethics and accountability, Integrity and corruption, Super-complaint  — 

HMICFRS, the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct have published a report in response to the super-complaint submitted by the Centre for Women’s Justice on police perpetrated domestic abuse

Publication  —  Ethics and accountability, Terms of reference  — 

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services will carry out a thematic inspection of police vetting and counter-corruption arrangements in England and Wales.