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Publication type:Effectiveness
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Police force:Leicestershire
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Found 3 publications

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL, Spotlight  — 

This report gives an overview of the emerging themes from the first group of 2018/19 PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. These themes are based on findings from 14 police force reports.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As part of our annual inspections of police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMICFRS assessed how effective the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime. This report sets out the findings for Leicestershire Police.

Domestic abuse, Effectiveness, PEEL  — 

This report is the fourth in a series of thematic reports, which consider the response the police service provides to victims of domestic abuse.