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Publication  —  Consultations, Custody suites  — 

HMICFRS has published its refreshed Expectations for Police Custody.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

This report describes our findings following an inspection of North Wales Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HMICFRS and HM Inspectorate of Prisons in November 2021.

Publication  —  COVID-19, Custody suites  — 

In March 2020, we suspended all inspection work so that police forces, and fire and rescue services could focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections, Custody suites  — 

Individuals arrested for terrorism offences are detained at one of five Terrorism Act custody suites situated across the country. These detainees can be held in custody for up to 14 days, significantly longer than detainees held in mainstream custody. Because of this, there are different arrangements under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 for the detention, treatment and questioning of detainees.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections, Custody suites  — 

This report is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMI Prisons and HMIC. The inspections look at strategy, treatment and conditions, individual rights and health care. They also contribute to the United Kingdom’s response to its international obligation to ensure regular and independent inspection of all places of detention.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

In January 2014, the Home Secretary commissioned HMIC to conduct a thematic inspection on the welfare of vulnerable people in police custody “including, but not limited to, those with mental health problems, those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds and children”.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

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