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Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

HMICFRS is conducting an inspection of how effectively the criminal justice system meets the needs of victims.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection  — 

This joint inspection examined the work of prisons, police, and probation in delivering MAPPA.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Neurodiversity  — 

An independent review of neurodiversity in the criminal justice system, commissioned by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection, Offender management  — 

This inspection aimed to examine how Integrated Offender Management has been operating since the implementation of the government’s ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ programme and in a climate of reduced police numbers.

Business Plans, Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

This plan sets out the inspections of the Criminal Justice System for 2019/21 in which two or more of our inspectorates will be working together.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Custody suites  — 

Individuals arrested for terrorism offences are detained at one of five Terrorism Act custody suites situated across the country. These detainees can be held in custody for up to 14 days, significantly longer than detainees held in mainstream custody. Because of this, there are different arrangements under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 for the detention, treatment and questioning of detainees.

Crimes against older people, Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

In 2018/19, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate conducted a joint inspection of how the police and the CPS respond to crimes against older people. This report sets out our findings, making a series of recommendations aimed at improving police and CPS practice, and so the service provided to victims.

Consultations, Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

This consultation sets out the proposed joint inspection activity in the criminal justice system in 2019/20, and invites comments from stakeholders and others to inform the finalisation of the programme.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Hate crime  — 

Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services HMICFRS have undertaken two previous joint inspections of the handling of disability hate crime casework. This inspection focused on progress made in response to findings from the previous two reports.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Custody suites  — 

This inspection into Humberside Police is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMI Prisons and HMICFRS. The programme looks at strategy, treatment and conditions, individual rights and health care. It also contributes to the UK’s response to its international obligation to ensure regular and independent inspection of all places of detention.