PEEL: police legitimacy 2017 - Dorset Police

Published on: 12 December 2017

Publication types: Legitimacy and PEEL

Police Forces: Dorset


As in PEEL legitimacy 2016, this inspection looked at the extent to which:

  • forces treat people with fairness and respect;
  • they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and
  • those workforces feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces.

This report sets out the findings for Dorset Police.

HMICFRS also assessed legitimacy on a national level, drawing out overarching themes which are set out in the national overview.

The legitimacy reports will be followed by effectiveness reports in early 2018. These, together with efficiency reports published in November 2017, make up the three pillars of the annual PEEL assessment.

Get the report

PEEL: police legitimacy 2017 – Dorset Police (PDF document)

Get the national overview report

PEEL: police legitimacy 2017 – a national overview

Get the press releases

PEEL: police legitimacy 2017 – force press releases

Forces working hard to improve their legitimacy but stop and search disparities remain a concern

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