Joint inspection of child protection arrangements: Overview report 2019-2024
Care Inspectorate Wales, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and Estyn carried out a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to abuse and neglect of children in Wales’s six regional safeguarding board areas between 2019 and 2024. These include: Newport, Neath Port Talbot, Denbighshire, Bridgend, Powys and Cardiff.
This report outlines our main thematic findings across these inspections as well as the effectiveness of both partnership working and the work of individual agencies across Wales.
Our inspections reviewed the:
- response to allegations of abuse and neglect at the point of identification
- quality and impact of assessment, planning and decision-making in response to safeguarding notifications and referrals
- protection of children aged 11 and under at risk of abuse and neglect
- protection of children and young people at risk of exploitation
- leadership and management of child protection
- effectiveness of the multi-agency safeguarding partner arrangements in relation to this work.
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Joint inspection of child protection arrangements: Overview report 2019-2024