Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service: Causes of concern revisit

Published on: 19 March 2021

Publication types: Cause of concern, Letter and Revisit

Fire and Rescue Services: Gloucestershire


We made our second revisit to Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) virtually between 22 and 26 February 2021. This letter gives an update on our findings about progress against their action plan.


The focus of the revisit was the causes of concern we established after our inspection of Gloucestershire FRS in 2019. These were that:

  1. Gloucestershire FRS doesn’t have a clear protection strategy that describes how it will manage its statutory responsibilities using its risk-based inspection programme (RBIP) to identify highest-risk premises. The service has difficulty in maintaining and interpreting its data and can’t carry out the number of audits of high-risk premises that it commits to as part of its RBIP.
  2. Gloucestershire FRS values are tarnished and aren’t credible with staff. The service needs to introduce its new values and service structure to allow staff and managers to understand the priorities for the future.

We first revisited Gloucestershire between 20 and 22 November 2019 to review progress against the action plan. That revisit only considered progress against the first cause of concern relating to protection. Our second revisit has considered progress against both causes of concern.

This letter was sent to the Chief Fire Officer of Gloucestershire FRS in March 2021.

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Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service causes of concern revisit (PDF document)

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Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service causes of concern revisit (HTML)