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The force says...
As the fourth largest force in the country, West Yorkshire Police works in partnership with five Local Authorities and has coterminous local policing Districts. Beyond the County of West Yorkshire, we also collaborate across the Yorkshire and Humber Region and wider North Eastern Region leading on a number of national and regional policing responsibilities.
Our Neighbourhood Policing model lies at the heart of our service delivery and is underpinned by local response, crime investigation and safeguarding functions.
West Yorkshire Police operates on a budget that has reduced by £140m since 2010 and has at the same time had to deal with growing demands, in both volume and complexity.
Our Force Management Statement predicts further challenges in a number of areas, all within the context of possible further reductions in budgets. This includes the number of emergency 999 calls we will receive, the number of crimes we will investigate, increased reporting of domestic abuse, increased awareness and reporting of criminal exploitation of the vulnerable, and in line with other large metropolitan forces, responding to increased levels of serious violence and knife crime.
Our workforce comprises of 5,096 police officers and 4,376 police staff (including 603 police community support officers) that provide policing services around the clock.
Within the 9,472 officers and staff, we also provide regional and national policing services, such as the North East Counter Terrorism Unit, the National Police Air Service and a Regional Scientific Support Service.
Disclaimer: the above statement has been prepared by West Yorkshire Police. The views and information in it are not necessarily those of HMICFRS.