More about this area

The force says...
The force polices one of the largest geographical areas in the country, with an area covering 3,961 square miles including 700 miles of coastline, 500 square miles of moorland and over 13,500 miles of roads. Plymouth, Torquay, Exeter and Truro are urban centres of significant size with the remainder of the population spread between smaller urban clusters, rural and seaside towns and villages and isolated hamlets. Nearly 30 percent of the population of 1.7 million is 60 or over. The force prides itself in its delivery of a neighbourhood policing approach and its links with its urban, rural and coastal communities. There are significant pockets of deprivation and dependence on seasonal and part-time work.
There are 10 local authorities in Devon and Cornwall, which adds complexity to delivering local policing.
As a popular holiday destination the population significantly increases with over 10 million staying visits and 50 million day visits a year. This demand on our services and infrastructure is without appropriate funding, which is based on residential population. Although supporting the local economy, this increases demand on our services and infrastructure.
In 2017 the force dealt with 937,710 calls for service and recorded just over 100,000 crimes, an increase of 23.1 percent on the previous year. Particular increases were seen in violent crime and sexual offences reflecting increased victim confidence and improved recording. There are increasing complex threats such as cyber-crime, modern day slavery, terrorism and child sexual abuse and exploitation.
To provide the highest levels of service, improve operational flexibility and efficiency, the force has a well-developed strategic alliance with Dorset and strong working partnerships with other agencies and forces. PRISM is the change portfolio through which the force is transforming its technology and current and future capacity to meet demand and to deliver improving service quality in response to the increasing and changing demand pressure being placed on the police service.
Additional firearms officers are in place reflecting the national uplift and our PCC is investing in 100 extra police officers for allocation across frontline policing.
Disclaimer: the above statement has been prepared by Devon and Cornwall Police. The views and information in it are not necessarily those of HMICFRS.