Merseyside PEEL 2016
How efficient is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime?
How well does the force understand the current and likely future demand?
Merseyside Police has a good understanding of both current and potential future demand and is using this to shape its new operating model. It also has a good understanding of demand that is less likely to be reported, although it recognises that there is always more it could know. We were impressed with the force’s business modelling of the demand for investigation, which is based on detailed analysis and sound evidence.
The force has an excellent understanding of how internal inefficiency generates demand for its services, has improved its internal processes, and is continuing to do so. It understands potential future demand for services and is developing a deeper understanding of the impact of the changing level of partner resources on the force. The force’s understanding of public expectations is good, but it is less than clear about the digital channels through which its communities want contact with the police. It has made a commitment to keeping a local policing presence, in line with public expectations.
How well does the force use its resources to manage current demand?
Merseyside Police manages demand well and makes clear decisions on prioritising resources that are in line with public expectations. The force’s move to a new operating model is intended to enhance its management of demand, and it has a good understanding of the benefits it expects from moving to the new model. It is working well with others to manage demand for services and continues to consider options for further collaboration. The force is able to demonstrate that its collaboration with others reduces costs. It is improving its understanding of those who place the greatest call on its services so it can work with partner agencies to divert them away from crime and reduce the demand on all service providers.
The force understands the digital skills of its staff and resources their IT requirements appropriately. It works well with blue light emergency services in the area and continues to collaborate with North Wales Police and Cheshire Constabulary.
How well is the force planning for demand in the future?
Merseyside Police has well-developed and ambitious plans to adopt a new operating model, moving to a continuous improvement model by 2017, and a fully functional model by 2020. The force’s organisational plans aim to make radical changes to the structure of Merseyside Police and to how it operates.
The force’s financial, organisational and workforce plans are fully aligned and based on its comprehensive understanding of demand. It has plans for enhancing its IT systems and introducing further digitisation. Effective force planning has enabled it to continue to make savings to meet existing demand and to invest for the future. It has established a governance structure to scrutinise savings regularly and consider further investment.
The force has reduced costs year-on-year and, through regular underspends, has been able to make further investments and build up strong reserves. The force is working with other agencies to improve its efficiency and has plans for further collaboration.