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Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29: For consultation

We would like your views on whether this programme covers the the right themes and areas of policing.

Gloucestershire PEEL 2015


How efficient is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime?

Last updated 20/10/2015

HMIC found that Gloucestershire Constabulary is very well prepared to face its future financial challenges. The constabulary has a strong understanding and management of its current demand and its finances. It is developing new methods of working to improve services and manage demand efficiently. For this reason it is graded as good. It is in the process of introducing a new structure (operating model) to deliver policing services within its budget. In last year’s value for money inspection, which considered how forces had met the challenge of the first spending review period, Gloucestershire was judged to be good.

HMIC judges Gloucestershire Constabulary to be good. The constabulary has an effective understanding of demand on its services and the current workforce model matches the demand it faces from the public. This is supported by a strong performance management structure and processes. The current workforce model is aligned to constabulary financial plans and savings. The constabulary has reduced its workforce while still maintaining its ability to meet the demand from the public.

The constabulary has conducted a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the current demand on its service. This understanding has been used to design and shape its new operating model.

It has developed an understanding of how new ways of managing and operating its services should match demand and financial requirements. This new operating model should provide increased flexibility in responding to public demand. This will bring about significant changes for operational staff across the organisation.

The constabulary has achieved the required savings and has balanced the budget for the spending review period 2014/15. There are clear structures and governance in place for good financial management.

Costs and spending are under constant review and opportunities for investment in areas which may increase efficiency through technology, improved processes or working better with partner organisations are explored regularly.

The constabulary has produced a balanced budget for 2015/16 and has a good understanding of the likely financial position through to 2018/19. The current financial position indicates a track record of strong financial management and accurate budgeting in achieving planned savings.

It has clearly identified the core financial risks over the spending review period and has a comprehensive understanding of future budget risks. The current financial position indicates a track record of strong financial management and accurate budgeting to achieve the planned savings.


Questions for Efficiency


How well does the force use its resources to meet its demand?


The constabulary has a good understanding of current demand. The existing workforce model matches predicted demand and the constabulary is therefore able to match resources to meet its demand.

It has conducted a detailed and comprehensive assessment of its demand. HMIC found evidence of a thorough examination of current structures and processes to shape a new operating model.

The new operating model considered organisational and local priorities and has been developed to provide increased flexibility in responding to public demand. The new operating model will introduce significant changes for operational staff across the organisation.
The constabulary has strong performance management arrangements in place including a deployment resource meeting and a monthly performance and operation board that provides a reliable understanding of risk, threat and harm across the constabulary.
The constabulary is developing new methods of working to improve its policing services and manage demand and is keen to develop technical opportunities to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
There is strong partnership working to enhance service to the public and reduce demand on police resources.


How sustainable and affordable is the workforce model?


In the main, the current workforce model matches current demand, organisational and financial requirements.

The current workforce model is based on managing threat, risk and harm by providing policing resources to meet the demand from the public. Savings from workforce reductions have been made without having an adverse affect on the provision of policing to meet demand.

The constabulary has examined a wide range of activities and functions in order to effectively align resources to demand within its future budget. The new operating model and implementation of a new shift pattern provide opportunities to further improve the allocation of resources to match demand in the future.

HMIC found evidence of risk related to potential skills gaps as the constabulary moves to the new operating model, but it is aware of these risks and is seeking to minimise the impact this will have as the new operating model is implemented.


How sustainable is the force’s financial position for the short and long term?


The constabulary achieved its required savings and has balanced the budget for the spending review period 2014/15.

It has produced a balanced budget for 2015/16 and has a good understanding of the likely financial position through to 2018/19.

The constabulary has clearly identified the core financial risks over the spending review period and has a comprehensive understanding of future budget risks.The constabulary assesses that currently it provides less than 10 percent of savings through collaboration and there was limited evidence of other income generation.

Gloucestershire Constabulary has a good track record of budget management. Costs and spending are under constant review and opportunities for investments in areas which may improve efficiency through technology are regularly explored.The current financial position indicates a track record of strong management and accurate budgeting in achieving its planned savings.

HMIC found evidence of strong alignment between the requirements of the police and crime plan, the published workforce numbers and the constabulary medium-term financial plan.

There is regular contact between the chief officer team and the office of the police and crime commissioner (OPCC). The constabulary provides timely and relevant financial information to the OPCC and shared assumptions are used to develop financial planning.