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Proposed fire and rescue services inspection programme and framework 2025–27: For consultation

We would like your views on whether this programme covers the right areas of FRSs’ activities.

Greater Manchester PEEL 2014


How well the force delivers value for money

Last updated 12/11/2014


Greater Manchester Police has made excellent progress in challenging financial circumstances and has innovative plans to manage future austerity with public sector partners.

Greater Manchester is on track to meet its financial challenge of the spending review period and also for the year beyond, 2015/16. Importantly, the force is also looking beyond this period and is planning now for further funding reductions and financial pressures in the future.

Overall, the force understands the issues facing it, has an understanding of demand, and has a well-managed change programme in place. The plans for public sector reform are well developed, innovative and ambitious.

Greater Manchester is achieving the required savings today, and has plans in place for achieving the savings for the future.

Questions for Efficiency


To what extent is the force efficient?


The force understands its demands, and uses this information to make decisions on how resources are, or will be, allocated.

The force has identified that technology needs to improve and has put comprehensive plans in place to develop this, involving a private sector partner.

Over the spending review period, the force has reduced crime at a higher rate than the figure for England and Wales. However, over the 12 months to March 2014 crime has increased and overall crime levels are higher than other forces.

Victim satisfaction is broadly in line with the figure for England and Wales.



To what extent is the force taking steps to ensure a secure financial position for the short and long term?


Greater Manchester Police plans to achieve the £13.6m savings required in 2014/15 and is expected to meet the £56.4m required savings in 2015/16, with some limited use of reserves. The force already has a strong track record of achieving the savings it has planned to make.

Plans for the future are well-developed and include a range of options for both the police service and public sector reforms. This work is innovative and ambitious; it has the potential to provide more effective services across the public sector while achieving most savings.



To what extent has the force got an affordable way of providing policing?


Greater Manchester Police has well-developed plans for public sector reform with local agencies. Pilots are in progress and there are plans to explore how funding can be shared/ spent differently. The force has well-developed plans for collaboration on back office functions with both local public and private sector partners.

The process and control of organisational change is evidence-based and the force asks other organisations to validate its approach. The valuing the police inspection found that the force has worked to involve the workforce within the change programme. Non-pay costs will be targeted for the next two years.