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Greater Manchester PEEL 2016


How efficient is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime?

Last updated 03/11/2016

Greater Manchester Police has been assessed as good in respect of the efficiency with which it keeps people safe and reduces crime.

Greater Manchester Police has a very good understanding of the current demand for its services as a result of its work with the London School of Economics to understand the totality of the current demand it faces. The force is developing an understanding of potential future demand and is seeking to apply the same academic rigour to its understanding of new and emerging issues. It is conscious of the need to reduce inefficiencies and the unnecessary demand these create and has a systematic approach to streamlining systems and processes, for example the introduction of local resolution officers to reduce the number of incidents to which resources are deployed, although this lacked consistency across the force. Public services across Greater Manchester are committed to the concept of public service reform, through which the force has gained a detailed understanding of partner resources and how plans might be affected by future changes, including funding reductions in other agencies.

The force is also good in the way that it sets priorities and manages both its current use of resources and change. It has undertaken a range of significant reviews which have shaped its target operating model – how the force should be structured to remain viable and fit for purpose through to 2020 – and its local policing model. This was piloted and evaluated before being implemented in the wider force area and has led to closer integration of response, neighbourhood and investigative resources at a local level. The force has some understanding of the gaps it has in its workforce and has taken some steps to address them through recruitment and promotion. However the force’s understanding of the skills it needs is not yet comprehensive. The force has completed internal promotion processes for sergeant to inspector but has not sought to fill all posts with substantive appointments this year. This means that there are still officers serving on temporary promotion.

The force collaborates well with other police forces, although the focus across Greater Manchester is on collaboration between public services, through the public service reform agenda, to which the force and all other local public services are committed. Together they have ambitious plans for improving public services so they are integrated and designed to eradicate the shifting of demand from one agency to another and to make better use of reducing resources.

Greater Manchester Police is also planning very well for demand in the future. The force’s medium and long-term financial plans are linked directly to its target operating model. Following a better than expected budget settlement, the force has continued to identify savings, which it is then using to fund investment in line with the operating model, including additional substantial investment of £37m to replace outdated information technology and introduce mobile data to frontline staff.

Investment plans are credible and rest on evidence-based prudent assumptions. The force has planned savings through to 2020, which has allowed it to recommence recruitment to replace officers leaving the force and stop any further deterioration in officer numbers. The plan includes a range of contingencies in the event of future budget reductions. The force remains committed to further development of public service reform, together with all other public and emergency services and has recently committed to extending place-based integrated partnership working across all areas of Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester Police is a good force. HMIC has not identified any causes of concern and therefore has made no specific recommendations.

Questions for Efficiency


How well does the force understand the current and likely future demand?


Greater Manchester Police has a very good understanding of the current level demand for its services and is developing an evidence-based assessment of likely future demand.

The force has worked with the London School of Economics to understand the totality of the current demand it faces. This has informed both its target operating model, which sets out how the force should be structured to remain viable and fit for purpose through to 2020, and its local policing review, which has led to closer integration of response, neighbourhood and investigative resources at a local level. The force has a reasonable understanding of potential future demand and is seeking to apply further academic rigour to its understanding of new and emerging issues. Public services across Greater Manchester are committed to the concept of public service reform, through which the force has gained a detailed understanding of partner resources and how their plans might be affected by future changes, including funding reductions in other agencies.


How well does the force use its resources to manage current demand?


With the introduction of a new local policing model, Greater Manchester Police is using its resources well to manage current demand.

The force has applied academic rigour to improve its understanding of demand and has then used this to develop a new model for local policing services which is designed to meet that demand. The model was piloted and evaluated before being implemented in the wider force area. The force understands some of its workforce skills and gaps and is trying to fill gaps through active recruitment of transferees with crucial skills. A number of officers at various ranks remain on temporary promotion while the force takes a staged approach to substantive promotion and undertakes a leadership review.

The force collaborates well with other police forces, although the focus across Greater Manchester is on collaboration between public services, through an ambitious public service reform agenda, to which the force and all other public services are committed. The force manages change in a controlled way, with the application of a systems thinking approach and it makes good use of academic and external business partners in both the evaluation and implementation of change programmes.


How well is the force planning for demand in the future?


Greater Manchester Police is planning very well for demand in the future. The force’s medium and long-term financial plans are linked directly to its target operating model, which sets out how the force needs to be structured to ensure it remains viable and fit for the future through to 2020 and beyond.

Following a better-than-expected budget settlement, the force has continued to identify savings, which it is then using to fund investment, including further substantial investment of £37m to replace outdated information technology and introduce mobile data to frontline staff.

Investment plans are credible and based on evidence based prudent assumptions. The force has planned savings of £68m from 2016/17 to 2019/20, which will still allow it to increase the number of budgeted police officer posts by 220. Savings and investment plans include a range of contingencies in the event of future budget reductions. The force remains committed to further development of public service reform, together with all other public and emergency services, and has recently committed to extending place-based integrated partnership working across all areas of Greater Manchester.